Organic Sourdough Starter Kit
Sydney Metro Shipping: free for $199+ orders.
What is sourdough bread?
Sourdough bread is well known for its tangy flavor, crusty crusts, and chewy texture. It is far healthier than store-bought bread as the process of fermentation breaks down the gluten, making it far easier for our bodies to digest.
What is a sourdough starter?
Sourdough is a naturally leavened or fermented bread that does not contain any additives or use any yeast to rise. Instead sourdough uses a starter culture which makes it rise and gives it a sour taste.
A sourdough starter is a wild ferment of water and flour which contains yeast and good bacteria.
Sourdough starters can be used for much more than just bread. Some of our favorites are scones, waffles, crumpets and crackers! Check out our blog for sourdough uses and recipes!
Our sourdough starters take well to lots of different flours. In house they are fed mostly organic stone ground flour and organic spelt flour but you can titrate this starter onto a flour of your choice.
How to make sourdough bread using a starter
Basic sourdough bread is made with sourdough starter, water, flour and salt.
We also offer a gluten-free sourdough option
Each order receives instructions to get you started on your sourdough journey.
This sourdough starter kit includes:
- 1L Symbiota Glass Jar with one-piece stainless steel lid
- Elasticated Cotton Top
- Live, Mature Sourdough Starter (4-6 tbs).
- Instructions and recipe
An organic sourdough option is now available, please select from the dropdown options.
- Please use an urban address where possible.
- Live cultures are couriered out on Mondays & Tuesdays.